The first conference of this series took place in June 2011 (AVGA 2011).
Main topics of the meeting will include:
- arithmetic of abelian varieties and elliptic curves,
- open image type theorems and Mumford-Tate conjecture,
- compatible systems of Galois representations of automorphic and of motivic origins.
We plan to hold a workshop style meeting of about 40 participants, with 12 plenary talks; leaving plenty of time for discussions and collaboration.

We have managed to move all lectures of the AVGA 2017 conference to the oldest building of the university located in the city centre, which is definitely a more friendly place for math meetings (and for sightseeing of Poznań) than Morasko Campus, especially in the middle of summer. The new lecture room of the AVGA 2017 conference is Auditorium 217 located at the second floor of Collegium Minus of the UAM. In order to orient yourself, please have a look at the small enclosed map. Note that majority of main hotels of our city are in walking distances away from Collegium Minus.
The conference starts with the registration of participants on Tuesday, July 25th, 2017 at 9:00 AM in front of the auditorium room in Collegium Minus. The conference ends on Thursday, July 27th, 2017 in the afternoon.

Main speakers will include
- Jeff Achter (Colorado State)
- Sara Arias-de-Reyna (Sevilla)
- Johan Commelin (Nijmegen)
- Tim Dokchitser (Bristol)
- Chris Hall (London, Ontario)
- Hui Chun Yin (Amsterdam)
- Davide Lombardo (Orsay)
- Stefan Patrikis (Salt Lake City)
- Sebastian Petersen (Kassel)
- Emmanuel Ullmo (IHES)
- Yuri Zarhin (Penn State)
- David Zywina (Cornell, Ithaca)
- Gebhard Böckle Universität Heidelberg
- Wojciech GajdaAdam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- Marc Hindry University Diderot Paris VII